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Niečo málo o LGBTQIA+ témach

Do I belong here too?

Finding out whether a person is oriented to the opposite sex or the same is easy for some and difficult for others.

I am….what next?

The important thing is that you are an original person who has his own value and strength.

Coming out or coming out with the truth

Revealing that a person is different is often very difficult. It is a lifelong process and has its pitfalls.

História legislatívy a LGBTQIA+

Homosexuality was given equal rights with heterosexuality only in 1990 (Act 175/1990 Coll.). What was before?

Rainbow flag and its history

Asi najznámejší symbol LGBTQIA+ komunity, ktorý vzbudzuje veľa dôvery a zároveň veľa negatívnych emócii.

Men who like men

Getting to know yourself - you feel that you are different. That you feel more attracted to boys/men? Don't worry, it's not unusual or bad.

Women who like women

If women say out loud what women like, the word LESBA immediately comes to mind. Do you know its definition?

Trans people

Cross-dressing is common in culture, but what do we actually know about trans people?

Non binary people

Gender is a social construct, they don't feel like women or men. Who are?

Rodičia LGBTQIA+ ľudí

LGBTQIA+ rodičia je nová téma. Heterosexuálni rodičia, ktorých dieťa je teplé alebo homosexuálne páry, ktoré majú dieťa.